Ice, Ice, Baby!

It’s Sunday morning and I’m currently watching the weather channel.
You guessed it- I’m watching for the winter storm to get here. It’s sounding like a doozy! We could get ice, or snow or both.
I went to the grocery last night to grab bread and baby food- I wasn’t there alone just let me tell ya. It was a mad house! That’s snow news in Kentucky. “Snow bread, snow milk snow-thing left!”
My papaw always says this about the groundhog predicting the weather:
“Either way, we’re gonna have 6 more weeks of winter, and anything can happen because it’s winter.”
He’s not wrong. We can expect it. And it appears that this storm may be a big one.
I hope you’re prepared and I hope we don’t lose electricity. A good snow for the kids to play in is nice. But I’m no ice fan. I had an accident on ice once and I know how dangerous it can be- so please be safe out there. We still have lots of winter to come.
If you watch the weather channel, you can be prepared for things such as what to do in hazardous conditions. If you don’t already know. And it’s always better to be educated. Have a good week yuns! Stay warm and safe!
“You can’t get too much winter in the winter.” — Robert Frost
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