February 01, 2024

Judge Tommy Harmon and the Clay County Fiscal Court recognize that access to quality Broadband/Internet is critical for Clay County citizens. To improve Broadband/Internet service, Clay County Fiscal Court will be seeking grant funds to help providers reach underserved and unserved areas of Clay County.

Hilda Legg, a 30-year veteran in the rural broadband industry, when attending an initial meeting with Senator Stivers and Judge Harmon, encouraged the local leaders to engage the Clay County residents in the upcoming challenge process. “We, in eastern KY, have a once in a lifetime opportunity to access the unprecedented billion dollars coming to KY to build true high speed broadband infrastructure. We MUST get the map of Clay County correct when it comes to the unserved and underserved, it literally means millions of dollars to our people. I congratulate Senators Stivers and Judge Harmon on this early education and outreach effort to the residents of Clay County.” said Legg

Judge Harmon is asking each household to complete both the Speed Test and Survey. It is important that each residence, especially areas such as apartments and multi-residential locations, complete both of these. The speed test will allow The Center for Rural Development to analyze the “speed” or “how fast” your Broadband/Internet is running. If you do not have access to internet/broadband there is a place to provide your exact address which will help to identify unserved areas. To access the speed test, go to If you do not have Broadband/Internet access at your residence, the speed test allows you to report that you have no service at your exact address. You can report no service using a cell phone or public access/school computer. The survey, which is available at , will help to identify specific issues and concerns that citizens have with providers. The deadline to complete these surveys is February 16, 2024.

For your convenience, both of the links can be found at Clay County Fiscal Court web page ( and Clay County Fiscal Court Facebook page. If you have any questions, please contact Deann Allen at