Let it Go!

by By Melissa Garrison

I don’t know about you, but being stuck inside makes me realize how much junk I have. 
I want to get rid of it all, but how? 
Some things I think I may need to hang on to, some I know I don’t need and others are a maybe. I’m trying though, I really am. 
Maybe I’ll share some helpful tips that will help us both. 
-If the clothes don’t fit- let them go. 
-1 sock without 2- let it go.
-Old glasses and jewelry- let it go. 
-Old makeup, dried up nail polish, expired meds- toss ‘em. 
-Old worn out towels and old pillows- you don’t need them. 
-Decor that is outdated- just give it away. 
-Video consoles, broken TV’s or any other unused electronics- trash. 
-Magazines and broken blinds- no use for them.
-Cords, cables and chargers that you have no idea what they go to- junk. 
-Anything in the kitchen that is falling out of the cabinets when you open them- it’s called organization! 
-Toys that aren’t used anymore- make another kids day. 
There’s lots that we can part with if we just will. 
Start with that junk drawer- I know it’s scary. 
But it’ll pass the time and make you feel better too. 
I hope you made some snow cream, or a snow man, or maybe just sat inside and watched the snow.   We’ve had plenty of it that’s sno-joke.
But first- Declutter. -Julie Hage