Snow brings opportunity to make memories
January 10, 2025

Who doesn’t love a good snow? I know I do!
As I write this mid-day Sunday, I’m watching snow fall on the headwaters of Hector’s Creek and Lockard’s Creek.
We always get a little more snow on this mountain than those in town.
I can remember vividly the big snows of the late 70s. We would leave school for Christmas break, and it seemed we would miss January.
January is also my birthday month. When I was little, I think I had one birthday party where my cousins came- in my childhood!
There was always snow on the ground, and we would bake a cake, and my parents always gave me a present. My birthdays were mainly with my parents, grandparents, Aunt Mary, and little brother.
But it was always fun, and I had no idea what I was missing out on.
I might have missed out on more presents, but that was some excellent family time we spent together on Hector.
The snow also reminds me of how my dad and Grandpa Dewey Grubb always seemed to need to go to the store.
No matter how much snow was on the ground, they returned to Dobson’s Supermarket and brought back a haul. I was always so excited to see them pull in to see if my dad would bring me a comic book.
He never failed me! Whether it was Richie Rich comic, Batman, or whatever, he always came through with one or two for me to read and enjoy.
My parents weren’t college-educated, but they always pushed me to read. My mother was always reading something which was passed down to me.
You’ve got to remember that video games were just coming out, there was no internet, and we only had about 12 channels on television.
We played outside, and we would come in when it got too cold. Speaking of outside, we didn’t have things like coveralls. I’d wear two pairs of jeans, two pairs of socks and bread bags covering those!
We froze to death riding that old wooden sled down a hill, but it was a lot of fun!
I always found something to read. Dad would get Reader’s Digest in the mail. I read that. He would always buy a T.V. Guide…that was a must-read!!
We always had a newspaper, too! My love for doing this work started with my grandpa Grubb always bringing home a newspaper.
It’s funny how little things like that carry over in your life. It’s a good lesson for young parents today.
The things your children see you do will have an impact. It creates memories and habits throughout their lives.
Hopefully, you, too, can create some great memories on these snowy days, and someday, when you’re gone, your children can reflect with a smile and cherish those times as I do.
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