We must keep advancing forward!

October 10, 2024

Hello friends! I hope everyone is well and enjoying this beautiful weather. This is my birthday week, and I’m always grateful to be able to live another year, hour, or minute. So, thanks to the folks who will send me birthday wishes beforehand. To grow as a community, we must be willing to do things our predecessors didn’t or didn’t. How do we keep advancing? For us, it’s simple! Just be progressive and have modern ideas. It seems like we have been stuck 15 years behind the rest of the world in a time warp my whole life. There are many reasons for that. Eventually, there has to be an uprising that says enough is enough. Younger and more educated people must get involved and take control of the older and out-of-touch. Local and out-of-town folks have to make community investments. Since the tourism board was established, some excellent and progressive things have happened. Some have controversy. That’s fine! Controversy always creates cash. It is new and modern and freaks out people who have no vision. The great news is the town will continue to advance cause it has no choice. We advance, or we die! Great things are on the horizon, and I’m excited for them. Just remember that people with no magic will try to steal yours. Keep your magic! Much love, Manchester!!