All good things must come to an end!

October 01, 2024

Hello Friends! I hope everyone is enjoying the Fall weather. This week is a sad week for the City of Manchester. Three charter members of the City of Manchester Tourism Board were removed from their duties. I just want to shout out all my love to those three people. We had nothing going for us in this town until the Tourism Board was established. These people transformed our city for the better with their progressive efforts and hard work. They were never political figures but just regular volunteers with the right mindset to move us forward instead of backward. They weren’t going to be controlled by anyone’s agendas. It was a beautiful thing and done the way the statutes ask for it to be done. So Faye Gregory, Robert Moore, and Karen Rice thank you for serving this County City and Community. Also, a reminder that the Shaping Clay Jubilee is this weekend, and the weather will be beautiful. Please support them and the gospel. Much Love Manchester!